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“O. Kloska’s clowns once again point in Absolute, the condition of the clown of the human being and, moreover, the artist’s awareness of this state of self. The drama appears more acutely at the time of the artist’s understanding that nothing is to be done in the face of such a challenge, staged in the illo tempore – or maybe it exists, but the state of our present existence still does not allow us to reach the necessary and sufficient level to produce a spiritual qualitative leap that could lead us to another, superior, luminous, unsubstantiated material and existential material, as things stands today. The contradictory turbulence of the feelings of the clown, lost in this present world – seems to say O. Kloska – could cause the very disappearance of the clown itself, and then we will not know whether such a drama consumed in the infinite universe had or not, a certain sense, metaphysical . It is a warning by which the artist gives the eye of the contemporary mind in this personal series of Clownian hypostases contained in the works written under the title “I am a clown” representing, in our opinion, in different proportions, the man’s rebellion against his own conditions, and frustrations or disappointments, rather than the rare moments of serene joy that transcend the heavy curtain of contemporary beings … The struggle that is given takes place in one’s own self; it is the a confrontation of the sisical or sometimes prometeic order that I have long recognized as humanity … ” Florinel Agafitei , writter, indian culture expert